
The Subjective Event

It is widely “assumed” by those who are doing
personal development to “develop” themselves in some way,
that presumably the goal is to become more effective
in a particular area and thus achieve greater success at something.

But, who is this PERSON that you hope to develop?
Who is this person that you “think” you are?

The PERSON is totally a subjective event.
In actuality there is no verifiable objective world “out there”.
It is all a subjective production and you are the
“witness” that is also subjectively present to record or
respond to the phenomena perceived by your senses.

Since the human relies on reasoning as the “be-all and end-all”,
whether it is ultimately true or not, I will attempt to explain the
reasoning for the above paragraph. This may “turn on a light”
for some readers. Those with an “open mind” for investigation
at a “greater depth” will benefit most.

You will be aware that a healthy human is equipped with the so-called
five sense organs. These are the five traditionally recognized
methods of perception, or sense: sound, sight, touch, smell and taste.
This is the human interface to the so-called “outside” world.

Let us take sight (vision) as an example for a deeper look. (pun)
One does not actually “see” through the eyes. The eye is an
organ that performs rather similarly to a camera. The lens admits
and focuses light rays that are reflected from an object and these
rays fall upon the retina where the rods and cones are impressed
by the light signal. (Similar to a camera's film or electronic light
sensor being impressed by light). The retina is connected through
the optic nerve(s) (synapses etc.), which carries the electro-
chemical signal to the visual cortex of the brain, which incidentally,
is at the BACK of the brain (whereas the eyes are at the front of
the brain).

So far, this is the simplest of scientific/medical explanations for the
sense of sight. However, if we look a little closer with some real
investigative curiosity, we might ask: “So do I, or does the brain
actually see a tree that I might be looking at?”

That is a great question! We assume that we “see” what we are
“looking at”, but is that really so. This may be a simple basic
way of communicating the event, but how do we know in actuality
that we are “seeing” at tree. All that the brain receives at the visual
cortex is a signal (electrochemical or electro-magnetic) and the
signal has no resemblance to an actual tree.

It seems that we humans experience a visual event and then draw
upon inherent organic experience (cellular memory perhaps) to gain
a perception of some sort about the signals that come to us through
the eyes. Over the evolutionary period of the human species a consensus
in the collective consciousness of mankind has brought about agreement
about our experiences with the so-called outside world.

The entire conceptualization of this “outside world” is resident in memory
or thought, as a conclusion or assumption based on millennia of agreed
upon definitions of perception by the 5 senses. It is all subjective.

Even to measure such “outside” events through humanly conceived
instrumentation is not conclusive of an actual outside world. The interpretation
is still subjective, as it is processed by our conceptual "mind" system.
If one looks very deeply, very hesitantly, without the burden of all the
preconceived and formulated “knowledge” of mankind, one might see

This has been the perennial understanding of the great spiritual traditions
and ancient mystery schools. Science is just beginning to touch upon some
of this mystery through areas such as quantum mechanics
and trans-personal psychology.

If you are really interested to find out more about yourself, then do not
rely on the authority of “others” to condition your thinking. Escape the MATRIX.

Be the Master. Mastery of self is the first step to everything,
and – “the first step is the last step” from the quote below:

The first step is the last step
... The first step is the last step. The first step is to perceive, perceive what you are thinking, perceive your ambition, perceive your anxiety, your loneliness, your despair, this extraordinary sense of sorrow, perceive it, without any condemnation, justification, without wishing it to be different. Just to perceive it, as it is. When you perceive it as it is, then there is a totally different kind of action taking place, and that action is the final action.
J. Krishnamurti

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